by ZoneWD Cognitive Coach David Kiselak
Because Your Sessions could  Unlock  more Dynamic Results
What are the reasons more people specifically get this Cognitive Coaching?

From successful CEOs and high-end investors who get it to negotiate the best deal available for their company or money,  and all the athletes (Professional & Amateur) who "want an edge" over others...  to parents and students who get this for better academics with more focused confidence.

Whatever area of your life you want it, you could use this  because if  you get better using our methods, it benefits you and that simply means You do it more successfully here!

Now First --- Coaching is Not... Content, Being A Friend, Giving Advice, Parenting, Being Superior, Short-Term Fix or Creating Dependence,

--- instead this Cognitive Coaching is --- Structure...  Outcome Oriented and Solution Focused...  Based on Clear, Direct Feedback...  Accountability...  Being Supportive...  Long-Lasting Results (based on Education) and...  More Empowering people to Creating Independence by Leveraging Personal Resources.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford


- Confidence
- Healthier Living 
- Overcome Fears
- Weight Lose or Gain
- Smoking Cessation
- Business/Career Advantages
- Relaxation Techniques
- Improve Memory
- Improve Concentration
- Improve Study Habits
- Exam Preparation
- Exam Anxiety
- Improve Sports Ability
- Speed Reading
- Enhance Creativity
- Improve Salesmanship
- And More...


- Business Masterpiece
- Self-Confidence
- Procrastination
- Nail Biting
- Exercise
- Assertiveness
- Enthusiasm
- Regression Work
- T.I.M.E. Techniques
- B.A.S.P.E. Method
- "Champion State"
- And More...


* NON-Medical

- Diagnosed Mental Illness
- Extreme Nervousness
- Insomnia
- Sexual Problems
- Health Complaints
- Uncontrollable Anger
- Extreme Guilt
- Depression
- Pain Management
- Breast Enlargement
- Phobias
- Allergies
- Addictions
- And More...
DISCLAIMER: The services rendered herein are held out to the public not as therapeutic methods, but defined as the use of suggestion to impart positive thinking and the capacity for self-suggestion. These services are not represented as any form of health care or psychotherapy or medical practice, and despite research to the contrary, by law we may make no health benefit claims for our services.
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All Rights Reserved | Copyright © 2021 | by ZoneWD